
Join the club

To become a member, you first need to register at UPC Alumni (if you haven’t already).

Register at UPC Alumni by clicking on the "Intranet" section. "Intranet".UPC Alumni

You'll have to register, or identify yourself if you've already registered. Intranet

If you’ve NEVER registered at the Alumni website, open a new record. If you’ve already registered, enter the requested details to access your account. Registro

Once you’re registered, enter UPC Alumni using the username and password you just created (or that you already had). Identificación

Go to "Clubs", "Alta Clubs". Clubs

Select "Club Vilanova Alumni" and click on "+info/Ll.Espera" [+info/wating list]. Alta Clubs

To complete the process, click on "ALTA" [Join]. You’ll receive a confirmation message and will now have access to club messages and activities.